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ms to track the performance of the top 30 companies within the Nifty 200 selected based on their Normalised Momentum Score. The Normalised Momentum Score for each company is determined based on its 6-month and 12- month price return, adjusted for its daily price return volatility. The weight of each stock is based on the factor tilt methodology – the weight is derived by multiplying the free float market cap with the Normalised Momentum Score of that stock. Stock weights are capped at the lower of 5% or 5 times the weight of the stock in the index based only on free float market capitalization. The index can be used for a variety of purposes such as benchmarking, creation of index funds, ETFs and structured products


Top Contributors to portfolio are

  1. Adani Enterprises Ltd.

  2. Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd.

  3. Bajaj Finserv Ltd.

  4. MindTree Ltd.

  5. State Bank of India

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